Media Team

Teamleader: Andreas

During the event we will take photographs for our social media channels and write a weblog with the additional help of professional media educators.

#iloveyourcountry competition

We had so much fun trying food and drinks from other countries, and learning a little bit of history, art and culture during the international night.

We all made amazing posters showing our country to the other participants, so now it’s time to vote!


Join our competition and let one of the countries win the prize as the BEST of this youth camp!

Rules are easy:

  • pick your favourite country. It can be yours or one of the others, it doesn’t matter;

  • write a comment about the country choosen. It could be about something you already know, something you learnt during the past few days, or something that breaks stereotypes;

  • all the comments have to be left by Saturday at 12 pm;

  • a jury will choose the most original comment and the country related to it will be the winner;

  • the winning country will be announced on Sunday, receiving a special prize.

Ex. I comment Sweden. My comment is choosen as the best. Sweden is the winner.

Are you ready to join the competition? Don’t be shy, get involved!!

Links of Social Media using the hashtag #ohmo18

Landesjugendring Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (RYC)

Krizia in Travelland

Regional center of Youth

From our participants:

Have you used the hashtag #omoh18 as well? Please inform us, we will add your information.

#OMOH18: our participants

Our youngsters involved in this youth exchange are between the age of 16 and 25, and they come from different countries: Germany, Spain, Finland, Italy, Poland, Sweden, Slovakia, Romania and Ukraine.

They are here to try to find answers to these common questions: can Europe really be a network of creative, social and intercultural interactions for youngsters? Is it possible to create an European future together? What vision do the young people have of Europe? Can refugees be included into any youth organisation? If yes, how?

While discussing on these topics, they also have fun playing music, sports and express themselves in any kind of art on the beach, since the hostel is really close to the coast.

At the end of the week, we will collect all the results and have a final discussion, highlighting also some political aspects.

The editorial staff starts working

Now we have our first meeting. Here we try to use the blogging software with a smartphone. Now it’s very silent in this room 😉

The five of us come from different countries and use social media in different ways for school and/or work. So we will see how people in Germany, Italy, Romania, Sweden and Slovakia use these tools. 


Andreas, Germany | Krizia, Italy | Casian, Romania | Alex, Sweden | Roland, Slovakia

Hello, is there anybody outside?

Let’s get inside the world of Europe of Youth! Let’s immerse into workshops and discussions, talks and campfires, games and serious meetings between different people. Let’s deep dive untill we reach the ground, touched by hearts, understand the others and let be them as the are.

And here comes the players: (You can find them as categories in this blog)

1 Europe of Youth
2 Inclusion of Refugees
3 Populism in European Countries
4 Selforganization of Young People
5 Creative Forms of Youth-Participation
6 Cooperative Games
7 Music-Workshop
8 Media-Team (editorial staff)

May the 4th be with us (and all the other numbers too) 😉

Foto: (CC BY-SA 2.0) by InSapphoWeTrust from Los Angeles, California, USA